Sunday, November 23, 2008

Forgiveness.... too late?

So, I read this on the news... Maybe not the most urgent piece of news in the world, but just got me curious.

Alright, I'm an atheist, mayb I have no right to comment on this. But I still wanna say something...

Finally the Almighty Vatican, (actually the newspaper of the city, L'Osservatore Romano to be precise... but most undoubtedly with the approval of the 'higher' authority) had decided to forgive Lennon. It's been... almost 40 yrs since the good man passed away.... Do you think this forgiveness will change the perception of anyone abt him? Or will it give console to his widow?

Does it still matter? He's long gone, and his legacy remained.... History will be the better judge of the significance of his existance compared to the religion. Furthermore it's the rock and roll era we are talking abt, which is significant is shaping the world today in terms of the spirituality and thinking.

Do people really care abt that then?

Monday, November 17, 2008

A Step Backwards?

Saw this on the newspaper....


Time to talk a little abt sex yet? So, someone is finally taking the subject more seriously, by politicalising it? How original! Not!

There's just a few things I dun really understand abt this news.... so, this new party is supposedly all for less censorship. Reason being? qoute..."
the internet filter will put the Australian sex industry out of business in five years." Wow..... this party leader, Fiona Patten has got some accurate figures! I know lying is part of da political game, but is she for real?

However, I do agree the porn materials is ubiquitous, it's everywhere. Filtering the internet content, I doubt will be too helpful. Providing the correct and appropriate knowledge mite be more beneficial than complete blockage of information. Kids will somehow get hold on the material. If I'm the parent, I would prefer da kid to get the info from reliable sources, including some educational internet websites. More censorship? Are back to dark age?

I also agree that the government's actions may be over-the-board. But, seriously.... do we need to hear abt the debate on this issue everyday on the media? A political party to advocate? So, will the party participate in elections? And is it really the only way to advocate? U know, politics isn't the only solution.

So, is there any point in launching a new party other than grabbing some limelight? Nevertheless, the theme of da party is fun!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I Need an Organ!!

I desperately need a healthy kidney.... mine is deteriorating fast!! Time is running out....

This is not a matter of joke, but of great importance to the affected patients and people around them. Yet, it's still an unsolvable issue in most societies, be it Western or Eastern.

Now, when there's a demand, there would a supply. Or is it really? For some organs it is possible to obtain from a living person, not cadaver. These namely include kidney as one can survive with only a single kidney. Driven by the demand, a new trade on the horizon - organ brokering.

Mind you, I've also heard rumours about people being drugged and woke up with one kidney stolen. Scary? But I think it mite be true. Now, just how ethical is this?

Who do we blame to cause the demand? The patients? Or the advance of medical fields that made transplant possible? Depending on whose shoes you're wearing, I bet you would have a different answers. Most patients do wish to live a little longer, or in kidney cases, free of the hassles of dialysis. They would have already gone through alot in their course of treatment. The hope of a healthy organ is hence a very tempting solution. Honestly, I would also have done the same to try source it out before giving up to the Ripper. Fight for life!!

Then the second issue arised. There's a huge shortage of available organs. Why? Some cultures do hold the belief a deceased should be buried whole, while cause of death such as accidents may preclude the organs to be suitable. I still think more education should be provided to encourage organ donation. Else when legal route is unable to fulfil the demand, people will resort to illegal activities. Recently Singapore has taken the initiative to regulate the organ transplant in the country. But it still does not solve the shortage issue. I had a patient telling me she's going abroad to get a new kidney as she couldn't find a donor. Sad? One wonders how did it ended up being like this.

I find it of interest that the accused in the news claimed he's just doing what other doctors are practising. So, doctors are involved too? Should I see my patient suffer the failing heart or help obtain one through unnamed sources? The doc will need to put patient's life as priority by offering the best known treatment. But what if there's a party who's willing to be paid to donate? It's a win-win situation. Isn't it?

Last thing to point out, people often have the elusion that life will be much better after the transplant. Yes and no. All will need medications to prevent the 'borrowed' organ from being rejecting by own body. Sadly to say, these medications are still expensive and requite intensive monitoring at times with lots of side effects. Is the hassles worth it? In some cases, patient might require another transplant. Cycle start again?

P.S. Am not requiring a kidney now.....

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Choice to live

Came across this in the local newspaper today....

It tells the story of a British girl of 13 years old making her decision to refuse a heart transplant. Details are mentioned in the link above.

So, the issues are of two folds: one, when is a person deemed legally competent to make medical decisions for themselves, and two, how well are patients' wishes regarded.

How old is old enough? I don't have an answer to that. But I know a patient know his/her body the best. I work in medical field, and I often noticed people with high education does not mean they understand their health better, of course until they're sick one day and decided to research into it. We unfortunately live in an age of ignorance. Most of us tend not to espose ourselves to what seems like 'unrelated' topics. Health? Maybe only when I'm more than 40 years old. Therefore, Hannah even at such tender age but due to her frequent encounter with medicals, I bet she's much more competent than most of her carers for knowing her own conditions. I know the side effects of the chemotherapy medicines, but I have no idea how they feel like. Now, that is the difference.

I personally always hold patients' wishes as priority, particularly when I provide my services to them. Because I realise I want to be treated the same way too. I want to be respected of my wishes. Hence, I support Hannah's decision for her to enjoy her remaining days with dignity. Now, do I hear oppositions? Who am I to know when my life will end? I don't, and I don't really care. Regardless how much I have left with, it is important to me that I shall live it the way I want to, not dictated by some medical professionals. In this case, who should bear the responsibility of Hannah's death when the day comes? Hannah or her medical doctors? Who do you think?

Global News Personal Views

What is news?

Well, there's a few definition out there. My fav encyclopedia, Wikipedia says News is any information whose revelation is anticipated to have an intellectual or actionable impact on the recipient. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines: a: a report of recent events b: previously unknown information c: something having a specified influence or effect .

What the heck! News is just news. What else can it be?

But how to interpret the news is crucial, else news is just some words.... meaningless. So, I just want to ensure my brain cells are active enough til my old age days by putting some views for the news I read almost daily. Not sure I like to be Alzheimer's so soon....

I invite you to join in and feel free to leave comments.....